A Legacy of Subsea Asset Integrity Management Software Delivery. 

Deep domain knowledge and subsea asset integrity management experience.

Originating as Coabis over 35 years ago and having undergone our own transformations with Aize in recent years, Integrity Elementz’s subsea asset integrity management software encapsulates the very best elements from our impressive journey.

This legacy is important to us and our customers. This legacy has shaped who we are today. And it continues to drive our progressive advancement and commitment to investing in the most powerful subsea asset integrity management software solutions and service excellence.

Now, we’re raising the bar.

We are not only influencing best industry practices working alongside our users and partners, but we are also faced with an exciting opportunity to drive positive change and do things differently across the sector. Integrity Elementz comfortably sits at the heart of the mission critical subsea digital ecosystem.

Building on a solid foundation.

Elementz is a subsidiary of Aize, a leading industrial software provider that transforms the way people work, lead, and operate through digital visualisation (twins) of physical facilities.

Established in 2020, Aize is firmly focused on developing software that will positively affect industries beyond oil and gas and change the way we build and operate renewable facilities.

There needs to be a change for the future and Aize is committed to being part of that journey. With a highly transferable software that can be utilised across numerous verticals, combined with widespread experience, knowledge and skills, the Aize product is focused on connecting experts across disciplines, domains and industries.

Bolstered by the technological advancements at Aize and a proven track record and legacy of Integrity Elementz, Elementz is in a prime position to be a real driving force to strengthen the future subsea integrity market landscape by continually advancing a software solution like no other. This will not only provide seamless inspection, integration and insights, but it will improve risk management, reduce costs, as well as strengthen sustainable operations, compliance, and safety.